Competitions |
January Con Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the January 2014 Construction Competition. |
FireRealm |
January Con Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the January 2014 Construction Competition. |
BloodyMudkip |
January Con Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the January 2014 Construction Competition. |
Duckie |
February Fish Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the February 2014 Fishing Competition. |
Minz |
February Fish Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the February 2014 Fishing Competition. |
lunarcanidae |
February Fish Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the February 2014 Fishing Competition. |
Earl Uhtred |
March Slayer Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the March 2014 Slayer Competition. |
SierraNic |
March Slayer Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the March 2014 Slayer Competition. |
Exclsior |
March Slayer Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the March 2014 Slayer Competition. |
Medal Not Issued |
March FM Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the March 2014 FM Competition. |
Th0r_36 |
March FM Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the March 2014 FM Competition. |
Minz |
March FM Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the March 2014 FM Competition. |
Sevel |
April Cook Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the April 2014 Cooking Competition. |
lunarcanidae |
April Cook Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the April 2014 Cooking Competition. |
krogoth22 |
April Cook Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the April 2014 Cooking Competition. |
E23 |
April Div Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the April 2014 Divination Competition. |
E23 |
April Div Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the April 2014 Divination Competition. |
Sevel |
April Div Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the April 2014 Divination Competition. |
Hales |
May Ranged Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the May 2014 Ranged Competition. |
SierraNic |
May Ranged Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the May 2014 Ranged Competition. |
Rev Xoxo |
May Ranged Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the May 2014 Ranged Competition. |
billy |
May Smith Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the May 2014 Smithing Competition. |
SierraNic |
May Smith Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the May 2014 Smithing Competition. |
Duckie |
May Smith Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the May 2014 Smithing Competition. |
ki11er pal16 |
June Mine Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the June 2014 Mining Competition. |
SierraNic |
June Mine Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the June 2014 Mining Competition. |
billy |
June Mine Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the June 2014 Mining Competition. |
Exclsior |
June Constitution Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the June 2014 Constitution Competition. |
billy |
June Constitution Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the June 2014 Constitution Competition. |
Americanboyg |
June Constitution Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the June 2014 Constitution Competition. |
Rev Xoxo |
July Farm Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the July 2014 Farming Competition. |
Plutos |
July Farm Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the July 2014 Farming Competition. |
Duckie |
July Farm Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the July 2014 Farming Competition. |
Fantasia |
August Thieving Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the August 2014 Thieving Competition. |
FireRealm |
August Thieving Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the August 2014 Thieving Competition. |
Sevel |
August Thieving Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the August 2014 Thieving Competition. |
Plutos |
September Attack Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the September 2014 Attack Competition. |
Medal Not Issued |
September Attack Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the September 2014 Attack Competition. |
billy |
September Attack Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the September 2014 Attack Competition. |
Ace2alf |
November Craft Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the November 2014 Crafting Competition. |
Duckie |
November Craft Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the November 2014 Crafting Competition. |
Sevel |
November Craft Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the November 2014 Crafting Competition. |
SierraNic |
December Agility Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the December 2014 Agility Competition. |
Medal Not Issued |
December Agility Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the December 2014 Agility Competition. |
SierraNic |
December Agility Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the December 2014 Agility Competition. |
Hales |
January Ranged Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the January 2015 Ranged Competition. |
Hales |
January Ranged Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the January 2015 Ranged Competition. |
x_Legendary_x |
January Ranged Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the January 2015 Ranged Competition. |
billy |
October Fletch Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the October 2015 Fletching Competition. |
Sevel |
October Fletch Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the October 2015 Fletching Competition. |
Earl Uhtred |
October Fletch Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the October 2015 Fletching Competition. |
ki11er pal16 |
November RC Comp 1st
This user won 1st place in the November 2015 Runecrafting Competition. |
bestbuds |
November RC Comp 2nd
This user won 2nd place in the November 2015 Runecrafting Competition. |
E23 |
November RC Comp 3rd
This user won 3rd place in the November 2015 Runecrafting Competition. |
The Qwerty42 |
Runecraft |
Level 44 Runecraft
This user has achieved level 44 runecraft. |
Elros P, Matt, Superhq 2000, wut cooking nub here |
Level 50 Runecraft
This user has achieved level 50 runecraft. |
0xygen, AceAssassin0, Angels Exist, boo the fool, crazy mattt, Crazyman124, Creig, darth_reagan, Demon4445, dentom1, Digope, Elliott0184, ena90, F36, Fieon, firepower950, Fires, Gandolfteh7, Gen Penguin, h o o t e y, Hai im Trey, happy craft, hooverbucs17, j.jay, K A M 4ever, Katcodidit91, Kdawgbowler, kitey 10, Knight0789, laserboy232, Liam16, Lol Natures, M Sword500, Mad Yew Chop, mathclub3, mike p, Mikerocks85, Mittse, Mr Z, My Mansion, Niko27122712, nooks2000, o Maxx, Red Naughty, repkam09, Rev Xoxo, SirAngels, Sirtupac, snakebites_x, Stinkowing, swedish fish!, Talkalot, Unitedfans13, Vbdude, xc1r3x, Yodagramma |
Level 75 Runecraft
This user has achieved level 75 runecraft. |
2c Short, cech42, Chrissie, Di Mach, Dj Vaz, dreamboy, Fatigued Man, Hyper_Hatch, isen, jacko 1990, Kamikazewate, Kik U 2 Lmby, kittymew1, Lays304, MattDawne, Millseyb0b, Plugin, proitor, Pure Goddess, R45c4l, robban55.b, saVvyjesse, Seif Cham, Sk8, Smilez, SnugglesLKF, Soldier Sa, Stingerbz, Sup308, SweetBrei, tiffsbabyjoe, vandyballer, Wandyer, What Scott, Wolfscar, wooder100, Yonk3rzz, Yrolg |
Level 91 Runecraft
This user has achieved level 91 runecraft. |
123ugunnadie, 84k3r, Alien Dream, Anti Oxidant, Aprilscowboy, BalanceNuke, BigBoi, Blade, Chaoy2, Ciocci, danigoy4, Death Lash97, duanerama, Evilangel164, Fieldgarodie, gial5, godcanthelp, Jazzy, Lord Feleran, Lord Simple, Lucy Jane, Maginexus, Mah_Fan_Yao, mic905, Michelle 187, millnium, missxshirley, Neelen, Ola Kala, Poogle550, R CE, Runetinal, Scorpiojon, Sendaz, shazzaroo, Sideways X, Sir Po 1, Steve 1591, sweetstuff2, TuTi, UPSET, vechter780, villo, Warhead999, wolfmanjz, Xr4ng3 R4g3x, Z0 teh Hax, Zoom |
Level 99 Runecraft (Untrimmed)
This user has achieved level 99 runecraft (untrimmed cape). |
122ace, Airily, cai, Clark Leafs, Eludify, Greenvert, Master Orich, Omarhameed6, RuneRice, sideways10, Silva Starr, Sword Kill11, Vader Friend, Zane Xl |
Level 99 Runecraft (Trimmed)
This user has achieved level 99 runecraft (trimmed cape). |
0usman0, 0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, `Gary, Aerclo 7, Air Sage36, andy2984, Angelo, Anonymous8, anti-duck, arg killer, As I Rise, avalonnia, Badclap, bestbuds, Bies, bobhaz, Bonus, Chiu, Chrissien, cjmatt88, Clemente, crazy02chris, Crispy, Curled, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, DocSleepy19, Dracoe25, Drew, Drinine, Dtzzy, Duckster, ElysiumSky, Everlotte, Exclsior, Extremist689, Eye Fish88, Fast Farmin, FFDN Jack, Filip Bigens, fireheart1, Fred Garvin1, FTP Cory, Fungibungorp, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Gvera230, Hales, Hamid132006, Hiqh Life, Hrockets, Itsfun4me, ItsNurseWho, Iva Bigens, James, jamie, Jarede, Jell Bigens, Jiggy Elve, Jize, Johnny, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Jtlebout, kathrynsage, Kindomdragon, KwD Roids Up, ladwig, Leafy, Left4Dg, legolas80800, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, llovebug, Louissk8, Madge, Majinvegito3, Masterdez, Matt258, mellymels, miirec, Minner Bren, Mister Fred, Mr Ddude, msctbre, nightgale93, Operation, OutVolt, Pal2cool, Paleo Soldat, Pengmeister, petal 7, Phillyfan536, PoliSciMajor, poseidon, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Rune panda1, ScottishLad, shane00010, Shannon 2112, Skilled pl0x, Snorklekit, Srebrnjak, str3, Suv, talen889, teacher7777, Th0r_36, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, Victor Ho, vieiraa, Viper, vpp, Wr3kless, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, zara legend, zaynaka, Zen, Zihark 325 |
20M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 20M runecraft xp. |
Adum, Aimee, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, Branin, chef9810, Chromosomal, crystal cape, cymike1, Earl Uhtred, Fritter401, Grantmeister, halfbiscuit, hot dog 18, jdbballman1, Jimoca, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Lotty, Love Dan, lunarcanidae, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, o Sun o, Ouch42, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, S0cc3rdude10, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Turtlebeard, Zanshin Ryu |
30M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 30M runecraft xp. |
Armor Robert, Colin Cham, Curlycueball, evel, Fantasia, French Maid, Ghanburi, Greg, ki11er pal16, sugar887, Titan V, Tufty |
40M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 40M runecraft xp. |
Manda, mischieph, Rinaldi15, Salty, Sevel |
50M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 50M runecraft xp. |
Duckie, Greatie, Pewter RS |
75M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 75M runecraft xp. |
The Qwerty42 |
100M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 100M runecraft xp. |
AC-130Above, billy, FireRealm |
200M Runecraft Xp
This user has achieved 200M runecraft xp. |
Dusty 125, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Jas0n, Puu4, SierraNic |
Total Level |
1500 Total Level
This user has achieved 1500 total level. |
danigoy4, Digope, dreamboy, Eludify, Gandolfteh7, Greenvert, Hai im Trey, Knight0789, Poogle550, Pure Kq Pax, Red Naughty, Superhq 2000, Suv |
1600 Total Level
This user has achieved 1600 total level. |
2c Short, 84k3r, crazy mattt, Demon4445, Elros P, Fungibungorp, Lays304, mike p, o Maxx, saVvyjesse, Sirtupac, sweetstuff2, Wolfscar, Zane Xl |
1700 Total Level
This user has achieved 1700 total level. |
0xygen, 123ugunnadie, AceAssassin0, Colin Cham, Dj Vaz, Dracoe25, ena90, Evilangel164, Lotty, M Sword500, Mittse, Ola Kala, Plugin, R CE, Rune panda1, str3, Talkalot, tiffsbabyjoe, Vader Friend, Xr4ng3 R4g3x |
1800 Total Level
This user has achieved 1800 total level. |
Anti Oxidant, Badclap, Branin, cech42, Chrissie, dentom1, Fatigued Man, Gen Penguin, Hiqh Life, jacko 1990, Kamikazewate, kittymew1, Master Orich, MattDawne, Mikerocks85, RuneRice, sideways10, Silva Starr, Soldier Sa, Sup308, Sword Kill11, teacher7777, Vbdude, vechter780, Wandyer, xc1r3x, Yodagramma, Yonk3rzz |
1900 Total Level
This user has achieved 1900 total level. |
Air Sage36, alexskeez, BalanceNuke, bftf8, Blade, boo the fool, Clark Leafs, Crazyman124, Creig, crystal cape, Eye Fish88, fantom freek, Fast Farmin, finalfanta15, Gvera230, hooverbucs17, Hyper_Hatch, ItsNurseWho, Jtlebout, K A M 4ever, Kindomdragon, KwD Roids Up, ladwig, lime, llovebug, millnium, Mr Ddude, msctbre, Neelen, Omarhameed6, Phillyfan536, pineoclease, poseidon, R45c4l, shazzaroo, Unitedfans13, UPSET, Z0 teh Hax |
2000 Total Level
This user has achieved 2000 total level. |
0usman0, bestbuds, BigBoi, Charliered13, Clemente, Di Mach, Dtzzy, Extremist689, Fieldgarodie, FTP Cory, godcanthelp, halfbiscuit, happy craft, jdbballman1, jonasdcc, Katcodidit91, kathrynsage, legolas80800, Lord Feleran, Maginexus, Masterdez, Millseyb0b, Minner Bren, missxshirley, outpost2, OutVolt, Paleo Soldat, PoliSciMajor, Pure Goddess, Sir Po 1, Titan V, Turtlebeard, vandyballer, Victor Ho, Viper, Warhead999, What Scott, Wr3kless, zaynaka, Zoom |
2100 Total Level
This user has achieved 2100 total level. |
122ace, `Gary, Anatcrafter, andy2984, anti-duck, Aprilscowboy, Bonus, Ciocci, Crispy, Dannii, Death Lash97, DocSleepy19, Drew, Drinine, Everlotte, fireheart1, Greg, Iva Bigens, James, Jas0n, Jiggy Elve, Lol Natures, Louissk8, Mah_Fan_Yao, miirec, mischieph, nightgale93, Pal2cool, Pengmeister, S0cc3rdude10, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, shane00010, Stingerbz, Tufty, vieiraa, wooder100, Zihark 325 |
2200 Total Level
This user has achieved 2200 total level. |
2 Cool For 3, Aerclo 7, Angelo, cjmatt88, Curlycueball, Derdad, ElysiumSky, FFDN Jack, Galaga665, gial5, Greatie, Hamid132006, Itsfun4me, Jell Bigens, Jize, laserboy232, Love Dan, Madge, Ouch42, proitor, Rev Xoxo, Runetinal, Seif Cham, Sendaz, Sideways X, Steve 1591, talen889, villo |
2300 Total Level
This user has achieved 2300 total level. |
Aimee, andricss, arg killer, avalonnia, cai, Chaoy2, Chrissien, Curled, cymike1, duanerama, Duckster, Filip Bigens, Forsberg888, French Maid, Fritter401, GalacticDrew, Grantmeister, hot dog 18, isen, Jarede, Johnny, lise, Lord Simple, pressie4xmas, Sk8, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, The Qwerty42, vpp, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
2400 Total Level
This user has achieved 2400 total level. |
AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Anonymous8, Armor Robert, chef9810, Chiu, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Dusty 125, Exclsior, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Hrockets, Jazzy, Jimoca, Laur, Leafy, Lemiwinks, Libby, Lucy Jane, Majinvegito3, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, Michelle 187, Operation, petal 7, Pewter RS, Pope712, Puu4, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, sirjoshuaj1, Smilez, Srebrnjak, sugar887, SweetBrei, tip_top_cat, TuTi, wolfmanjz, x Hogweed x |
Max Cape
This user has achieved the Max Cape. |
Americanboyg, Earl Uhtred, FireRealm, Hales, Langyrepkent, Left4Dg, Plutos, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Skilled pl0x, tiniponi |
Max Total Level
This user has achieved the maximum total level. |
Bies, crazy02chris, evel, Fantasia, Ghanburi, jamie, krogoth22, mellymels, Salty |
This user has achieved the Completionist Cape. |
0zzy, bobhaz, ki11er pal16, Manda, o Sun o, SierraNic, x_Legendary_x |
Trimmed Completionist
This user has achieved the Trimmed Completionist Cape. |
billy, Duckie, lunarcanidae |
Quest Points |
Master Quest Cape
This user has achieved the Master Quest Cape. |
Duckie |
200 Quest Points
This user has achieved 200 quest points. |
122ace, 2 Cool For 3, Aerclo 7, Aimee, andricss, Aprilscowboy, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Chiu, Crazyman124, crystal cape, Dayz Dream, debyos, Di Mach, fireheart1, Fred Garvin1, Grantmeister, isen, ItsNurseWho, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Mandy, missxshirley, Omarhameed6, Ouch42, petal 7, Pewter RS, Pope712, Rinaldi15, Runetinal, Seif Cham, Sendaz, Sk8, Smilez, SnugglesLKF, Sup308, talen889, teacher7777, Titan V, Victor Ho, Zihark 325 |
250 Quest Points
This user has achieved 250 quest points. |
Americanboyg, DocSleepy19, Johnny |
300 Quest Points
This user has achieved 300 quest points. |
AC-130Above, bobhaz, cai, Earl Uhtred, GalacticDrew, Ghanburi, Hales, Jiggy Elve, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Master Orich, mellymels, o Sun o, robban55.b, Salty, Shannon 2112, Sideways X, Sinelora, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, sugar887, tiniponi, wolfmanjz |
350 Quest Points
This user has achieved 350 quest points. |
Alien Dream, Anonymous8, Bies, billy, crazy02chris, evel, Exclsior, FireRealm, GalactiDrew, Jimoca, Laur, Manda, Mathwiz, Plutos, Sevel, SierraNic, TuTi, x Hogweed x |
400 Quest Points
This user has achieved 400 quest points. |
Medal Not Issued |
Skills |
Level 99 Attack
This user has achieved level 99 attack. |
0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, `Gary, AC-130Above, Adum, Aimee, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, andy2984, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, BalanceNuke, bftf8, Bies, billy, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, crazy02chris, Curled, Curlycueball, cymike1, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, Dj Vaz, DocSleepy19, Dtzzy, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, finalfanta15, fireheart1, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Ghanburi, gial5, godcanthelp, Hales, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Iva Bigens, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, Jimoca, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Jtlebout, Katcodidit91, ki11er pal16, Kindomdragon, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, M Sword500, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, mellymels, Michelle 187, Minner Bren, missxshirley, Neelen, nightgale93, o Maxx, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, outpost2, Pal2cool, petal 7, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, proitor, Pure Goddess, Puu4, R CE, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sendaz, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sideways X, SierraNic, Sir Po 1, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Soldier Sa, Srebrnjak, str3, sugar887, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, UPSET, Victor Ho, vpp, What Scott, wolfmanjz, Wr3kless, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, xc1r3x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
Level 99 Defence
This user has achieved level 99 defence. |
0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, `Gary, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, andy2984, Anonymous8, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, BalanceNuke, Bies, bobhaz, Charliered13, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, cjmatt88, crazy02chris, Crazyman124, Curled, Curlycueball, cymike1, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, Dtzzy, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, ena90, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Ghanburi, gial5, godcanthelp, Hai im Trey, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Iva Bigens, James, jamie, Jarede, Jas0n, Jazzy, Jimoca, Johnny, johnpaul, Jtlebout, Katcodidit91, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Simple, Lotty, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, M Sword500, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, mellymels, Michelle 187, millnium, Minner Bren, Mr Ddude, msctbre, nightgale93, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, Pal2cool, petal 7, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, proitor, Pure Goddess, Puu4, R45c4l, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sevel, shane00010, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sideways X, SierraNic, Sir Po 1, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, Steve 1591, str3, sugar887, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, Victor Ho, Viper, vpp, wolfmanjz, Wr3kless, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, Zihark 325 |
Level 120 Defence
This user has achieved level 120 defence. |
billy, Hales |
Level 99 Strength
This user has achieved level 99 strength. |
0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, `Gary, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, andy2984, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, BalanceNuke, Bies, bobhaz, Bonus, Charliered13, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, crazy02chris, Curled, Curlycueball, cymike1, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, dentom1, Derdad, desafc, DocSleepy19, Dtzzy, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, ena90, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, fireheart1, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, Fungibungorp, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Ghanburi, gial5, godcanthelp, Grantmeister, Hales, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Iva Bigens, James, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, Jimoca, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Kamikazewate, Katcodidit91, ki11er pal16, Kik U 2 Lmby, Kindomdragon, Knight0789, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, M Sword500, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, Minner Bren, missxshirley, Mittse, nightgale93, o Maxx, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, Pal2cool, Paleo Soldat, Pengmeister, petal 7, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, Pure Goddess, Puu4, R CE, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sideways X, SierraNic, Sir Po 1, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, Stingerbz, str3, sugar887, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, UPSET, vieiraa, vpp, What Scott, wolfmanjz, wooder100, Wr3kless, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, xc1r3x, Z0 teh Hax, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
Level 120 Strength
This user has achieved level 120 strength. |
billy, TuTi |
Level 99 Constitution
This user has achieved level 99 constitution. |
0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, `Gary, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, andy2984, Anonymous8, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, BalanceNuke, Bies, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, Ciocci, cjmatt88, crazy02chris, Crazyman124, Curled, Curlycueball, cymike1, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, DocSleepy19, Dtzzy, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, ena90, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Ghanburi, gial5, godcanthelp, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Iva Bigens, James, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, Jell Bigens, Jimoca, Johnny, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Jtlebout, K5Roadrage, Katcodidit91, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, M Sword500, Madge, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Masterdez, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, Millseyb0b, Minner Bren, missxshirley, nightgale93, o Maxx, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, Pal2cool, petal 7, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, proitor, Pure Goddess, Puu4, R CE, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sideways X, Sir Po 1, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, Steve 1591, str3, sugar887, talen889, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, Victor Ho, Viper, vpp, wolfmanjz, wooder100, Wr3kless, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, xc1r3x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
Level 120 Constitution
This user has achieved level 120 constitution. |
billy, Hales, SierraNic |
Level 99 Ranged
This user has achieved level 99 ranged. |
0usman0, 0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, Adum, Aimee, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, anti-duck, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, BalanceNuke, Bies, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, Ciocci, cjmatt88, crazy02chris, Curled, cymike1, Dannii, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, Derdad, desafc, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, Galaga665, Ghanburi, godcanthelp, Greatie, Greg, Hales, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, Iva Bigens, jacko 1990, James, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, Jell Bigens, Jiggy Elve, Johnny, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Jtlebout, ki11er pal16, kittymew1, krogoth22, KwD Roids Up, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Leafy, Left4Dg, legolas80800, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Feleran, Lord Simple, Louissk8, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Masterdez, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Millseyb0b, o Sun o, Paleo Soldat, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Puu4, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Salty, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sideways X, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, Srebrnjak, sugar887, talen889, tiniponi, TuTi, Unitedfans13, villo, Viper, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, Zen, Zihark 325, Zoom |
Level 120 Ranged
This user has achieved level 120 ranged. |
billy, Rev Xoxo, SierraNic |
Level 99 Prayer
This user has achieved level 99 prayer. |
0zzy, Adum, alexskeez, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, Anonymous8, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Bies, billy, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Curled, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, evel, Fantasia, Fast Farmin, finalfanta15, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, gial5, godcanthelp, Grantmeister, Greg, Hales, halfbiscuit, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, isen, Iva Bigens, James, jamie, Jas0n, Jazzy, Jimoca, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Matt 2003, mellymels, nightgale93, o Sun o, petal 7, pineoclease, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, Puu4, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Salty, Scorpiojon, Seif Cham, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sir Po 1, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, str3, sugar887, SweetBrei, teacher7777, tiniponi, TuTi, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
Level 120 Prayer
This user has achieved level 120 prayer. |
SierraNic |
Level 99 Magic
This user has achieved level 99 magic. |
0usman0, 0zzy, 2 Cool For 3, `Gary, AC-130Above, Adum, Aimee, alexskeez, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, andy2984, Angelo, Anonymous8, Anti Oxidant, Aprilscowboy, arg killer, Armor Robert, As I Rise, avalonnia, Bies, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, Ciocci, cjmatt88, crazy02chris, Creig, crystal cape, Curled, Curlycueball, Dannii, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, DocSleepy19, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, evel, Evilangel164, Exclsior, Fantasia, Fieldgarodie, Filip Bigens, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Gen Penguin, Ghanburi, godcanthelp, Grantmeister, Greg, Gvera230, Hales, Hiqh Life, hot dog 18, Hrockets, Itsfun4me, James, jamie, Jarede, Jas0n, Jazzy, jdbballman1, Jell Bigens, Jiggy Elve, Jize, Johnny, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Kamikazewate, kathrynsage, ki11er pal16, kittymew1, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Leafy, Left4Dg, legolas80800, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Feleran, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, M Sword500, Maginexus, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Masterdez, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, miirec, Minner Bren, mischieph, msctbre, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, OutVolt, Paleo Soldat, petal 7, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plutos, PoliSciMajor, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, Puu4, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Runetinal, Salty, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sendaz, Sevel, shane00010, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, sugar887, talen889, teacher7777, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, UPSET, villo, Viper, vpp, What Scott, wooder100, x Hogweed x, Xr4ng3 R4g3x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, Zen |
Level 120 Magic
This user has achieved level 120 magic. |
billy, SierraNic, x_Legendary_x |
Level 99 Cooking
This user has achieved level 99 cooking. |
0xygen, 0zzy, `Gary, Adum, Aerclo 7, Aimee, Air Sage36, alexskeez, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, andricss, andy2984, Angelo, Anonymous8, Anti Oxidant, anti-duck, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Badclap, bftf8, Bies, Blade, bobhaz, Bonus, Branin, cech42, Charliered13, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, Ciocci, crazy mattt, crazy02chris, Crispy, Curled, cymike1, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, Demon4445, Derdad, desafc, Digope, Dj Vaz, Dracoe25, Drew, Drinine, Dtzzy, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, evel, Everlotte, Extremist689, Fantasia, Fieldgarodie, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, Fritter401, FTP Cory, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Gandolfteh7, Ghanburi, gial5, Grantmeister, Greatie, Greg, h o o t e y, Hales, halfbiscuit, Hamid132006, happy craft, Hiqh Life, hooverbucs17, Hrockets, isen, Itsfun4me, ItsNurseWho, James, jamie, Jarede, Jas0n, Jazzy, Jimoca, Jize, Johnny, johnpaul, Jtlebout, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, KwD Roids Up, Langyrepkent, Laur, Lays304, Leafy, Left4Dg, legolas80800, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lord Feleran, Lord Simple, Louissk8, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, Madge, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, Mikerocks85, Millseyb0b, Minner Bren, mischieph, missxshirley, Mittse, Neelen, o Sun o, Ola Kala, Operation, Ouch42, petal 7, Pewter RS, pineoclease, Plugin, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Goddess, Pure Kq Pax, Puu4, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Runetinal, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, saVvyjesse, Scorpiojon, ScottishLad, Seif Cham, Sendaz, Sevel, shane00010, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, skaterboi318, Skilled pl0x, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, Steve 1591, Stingerbz, Stinkowing, sugar887, Suv, SweetBrei, teacher7777, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, Titan V, Tufty, TuTi, Unitedfans13, vandyballer, vechter780, villo, Viper, vpp, Wandyer, What Scott, wooder100, Wr3kless, wut cooking nub here, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Z0 teh Hax, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, zaynaka, Zoom |
Level 120 Cooking
This user has achieved level 120 cooking. |
billy, lunarcanidae, Manda |
Level 99 Woodcutting
This user has achieved level 99 woodcutting. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Aimee, Americanboyg, andricss, Angelo, Anti Oxidant, Armor Robert, As I Rise, avalonnia, Bies, billy, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, cymike1, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, desafc, Dtzzy, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, Elros P, ena90, evel, Everlotte, Exclsior, Fantasia, FFDN Jack, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, Fungibungorp, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, gial5, God1y Gir1, Grantmeister, Greatie, Greg, Gvera230, Hales, halfbiscuit, happy craft, hooverbucs17, Hrockets, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, Jimoca, Jize, Johnny, johnpaul, kathrynsage, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, ladwig, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Libby, lise, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Mad Yew Chop, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, mike p, Mikerocks85, Millseyb0b, o Sun o, Operation, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Puu4, R45c4l, Rinaldi15, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, Sir Po 1, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, snakebites_x, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, Steve 1591, sugar887, Suv, SweetBrei, Th0r_36, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, Tufty, TuTi, vieiraa, villo, Wandyer, wolfmanjz, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, zaynaka |
Level 120 Woodcutting
This user has achieved level 120 woodcutting. |
Duckie, FireRealm |
Level 99 Fletching
This user has achieved level 99 fletching. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Air Sage36, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, andricss, andy2984, Angelo, Anonymous8, Anti Oxidant, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Badclap, bftf8, Bies, billy, Blade, bobhaz, Branin, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, cjmatt88, Clemente, crazy mattt, crazy02chris, crystal cape, Curlycueball, cymike1, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, dentom1, Derdad, desafc, Digope, Dracoe25, Drew, Dtzzy, duanerama, Duckie, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ena90, Everlotte, Evilangel164, Exclsior, Fantasia, Fieldgarodie, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, FTP Cory, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Ghanburi, Grantmeister, Greatie, Greg, Gvera230, Hales, halfbiscuit, Hiqh Life, hooverbucs17, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Itsfun4me, j.jay, James, jamie, Jarede, Jas0n, Jazzy, jdbballman1, Jiggy Elve, Jimoca, Jize, Johnny, johnpaul, jonasdcc, Jtlebout, Kamikazewate, kathrynsage, Kdawgbowler, ki11er pal16, Kindomdragon, krogoth22, KwD Roids Up, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Libby, lise, Lord Simple, Louissk8, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Matt 2003, Matt258, MattDawne, mellymels, Michelle 187, millnium, Millseyb0b, Minner Bren, mischieph, Mister Fred, Neelen, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, Paleo Soldat, Pengmeister, petal 7, Pewter RS, Phillyfan536, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Puu4, R CE, R45c4l, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Rune panda1, Runetinal, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, Scorpiojon, Sevel, shane00010, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, Steve 1591, sugar887, SweetBrei, talen889, The Qwerty42, tiffsbabyjoe, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, Tufty, TuTi, Unitedfans13, UPSET, vandyballer, Vbdude, vieiraa, villo, Viper, vpp, What Scott, wolfmanjz, Wr3kless, wut cooking nub here, x_Legendary_x, Xr4ng3 R4g3x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, zaynaka |
Level 99 Fishing
This user has achieved level 99 fishing. |
0zzy, `Gary, Adum, Aimee, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, andricss, Anonymous8, Anti Oxidant, Armor Robert, Bies, bobhaz, Bonus, Branin, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Crispy, cymike1, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Dtzzy, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, Elros P, ElysiumSky, evel, Fantasia, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, gial5, Greatie, Hales, Hrockets, jamie, Jazzy, Jimoca, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Left4Dg, lise, Lucy Jane, Madge, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt258, mellymels, Mikerocks85, mischieph, missxshirley, Mister Fred, o Sun o, Operation, petal 7, Plutos, Poogle550, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Salty, saVvyjesse, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, Snorklekit, Steve 1591, sugar887, SweetBrei, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, TuTi, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
Level 120 Fishing
This user has achieved level 120 fishing. |
billy, Duckie, lunarcanidae |
Level 99 Firemaking
This user has achieved level 99 firemaking. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Aerclo 7, Americanboyg, andricss, andy2984, Angelo, arg killer, Armor Robert, Badclap, Bies, bobhaz, Bonus, cech42, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, cjmatt88, crazy02chris, cymike1, Dannii, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, desafc, dreamboy, Drew, Dtzzy, Duckie, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, Fieldgarodie, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, Fritter401, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, godcanthelp, Grantmeister, Greatie, Greg, Gvera230, Hales, happy craft, hooverbucs17, Hrockets, isen, Itsfun4me, jamie, Jas0n, Jazzy, Jimoca, Jize, Johnny, johnpaul, kathrynsage, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, llovebug, Lord Feleran, Louissk8, Lucy Jane, Maginexus, Majinvegito3, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, Mikerocks85, Millseyb0b, Neelen, Niko27122712, o Maxx, o Sun o, Operation, Ouch42, OutVolt, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plugin, Plutos, Poogle550, Pope712, poseidon, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Puu4, R CE, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Sideways X, SierraNic, sirjoshuaj1, Sk8, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, Snorklekit, SnugglesLKF, Srebrnjak, sugar887, SweetBrei, talen889, The Qwerty42, tiffsbabyjoe, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, Titan V, Tufty, TuTi, Vbdude, vieiraa, villo, Viper, vpp, Wandyer, wolfmanjz, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Yodagramma, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend |
Level 120 Firemaking
This user has achieved level 120 firemaking. |
billy, lunarcanidae, Manda |
Level 99 Crafting
This user has achieved level 99 crafting. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, andy2984, Anonymous8, arg killer, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Badclap, Bies, billy, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Curlycueball, cymike1, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, desafc, Drew, Earl Uhtred, evel, Fantasia, Fieldgarodie, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, FTP Cory, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, Greatie, h o o t e y, Hales, halfbiscuit, Hamid132006, happy craft, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Itsfun4me, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, KwD Roids Up, ladwig, Langyrepkent, Leafy, Left4Dg, Libby, lise, Lord Simple, Louissk8, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, mischieph, o Sun o, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plutos, Poogle550, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, Rune panda1, Salty, Sevel, shane00010, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, SnugglesLKF, sugar887, SweetBrei, tiniponi, TuTi, Unitedfans13, villo, vpp, wooder100, Wr3kless, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, zaynaka |
120 Crafting
This user has achieved level 120 crafting. |
Duckie |
Level 99 Mining
This user has achieved level 99 mining. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Aerclo 7, Americanboyg, Aprilscowboy, arg killer, Armor Robert, bestbuds, Bies, billy, bobhaz, Bonus, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, French Maid, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, Greatie, Hales, Hrockets, Itsfun4me, jamie, Jazzy, Jimoca, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, lise, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt258, mellymels, o Sun o, Ola Kala, Operation, Ouch42, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, Skilled pl0x, sugar887, Suv, SweetBrei, tiniponi, TuTi, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, zara legend |
Level 120 Mining
This user has achieved level 120 mining. |
Duckie, The Qwerty42 |
Level 99 Smithing
This user has achieved level 99 smithing. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Angelo, Anti Oxidant, arg killer, Armor Robert, bestbuds, Bies, billy, bobhaz, Bonus, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Curled, cymike1, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, evel, Fantasia, fireheart1, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, FTP Cory, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, Greatie, Hales, hooverbucs17, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, Itsfun4me, jamie, Jazzy, jdbballman1, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Libby, Lord Simple, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, o Sun o, Operation, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Puu4, Rinaldi15, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, sugar887, SweetBrei, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, vieiraa, Viper, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, zaynaka |
Level 120 Smithing
This user has achieved level 120 smithing. |
Duckie |
Level 99 Herblore
This user has achieved level 99 herblore. |
0zzy, Adum, Aimee, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anonymous8, arg killer, Armor Robert, Bies, bobhaz, Chaoy2, chef9810, Chiu, Ciocci, crazy02chris, Crispy, Curled, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Drinine, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, evel, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, French Maid, Fritter401, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, Grantmeister, Greatie, Hales, hot dog 18, Iva Bigens, James, jamie, Jarede, Jazzy, Jell Bigens, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Laur, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lord Simple, Love Dan, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Matt 2003, mellymels, Michelle 187, nightgale93, o Sun o, Operation, petal 7, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Puu4, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, Runetinal, Salty, Seif Cham, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, Snorklekit, Srebrnjak, sugar887, SweetBrei, tiniponi, Turtlebeard, TuTi, villo, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu |
Level 120 Herblore
This user has achieved level 120 herblore. |
billy, Duckie, SierraNic |
Level 99 Agility
This user has achieved level 99 agility. |
0zzy, Adum, Air Sage36, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anonymous8, Armor Robert, avalonnia, bestbuds, Bies, bobhaz, Chaoy2, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Curled, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Earl Uhtred, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, FFDN Jack, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, God1y Gir1, Hales, jamie, Jazzy, johnpaul, K A M 4ever, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Leafy, Left4Dg, lise, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Mandy, Mathwiz, mellymels, Michelle 187, Millseyb0b, mischieph, o Sun o, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, poseidon, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, Skilled pl0x, Smilez, SnugglesLKF, sugar887, Suv, SweetBrei, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, Turtlebeard, TuTi, x_Legendary_x |
Level 120 Agility
This user has achieved level 120 agility. |
billy, Duckie, Manda |
Level 99 Thieving
This user has achieved level 99 thieving. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anonymous8, Armor Robert, Badclap, bestbuds, Bies, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, cjmatt88, crazy02chris, cymike1, Dayz Dream, Death Lash97, debyos, desafc, Drew, Dtzzy, Earl Uhtred, evel, Eye Fish88, Fantasia, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, French Maid, Fritter401, FTP Cory, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, gial5, Greg, Hales, Hamid132006, hooverbucs17, Its Kevin, Itsfun4me, jamie, Jas0n, Jazzy, Jimoca, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Libby, lise, Louissk8, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Mah_Fan_Yao, Majinvegito3, Mandy, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Michelle 187, Minner Bren, mischieph, missxshirley, o Sun o, Ouch42, OutVolt, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, Runetinal, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, Skilled pl0x, Steve 1591, sugar887, The Qwerty42, tiniponi, vieiraa, vpp, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zara legend, Zihark 325 |
Level 120 Thieving
This user has achieved level 120 thieving. |
billy, Duckie, Manda |
Level 99 Slayer
This user has achieved level 99 slayer. |
0zzy, AC-130Above, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Bies, bobhaz, chef9810, Chrissien, crazy02chris, Dayz Dream, debyos, Derdad, desafc, Dtzzy, Duckie, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, evel, Exclsior, Fantasia, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Galaga665, Ghanburi, Greatie, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, jamie, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, lise, Lol Natures, Lord Simple, Lotty, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, mellymels, Michelle 187, nightgale93, o Sun o, Pal2cool, petal 7, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, Pure Goddess, Puu4, Rev Xoxo, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, S0cc3rdude10, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, Snorklekit, Srebrnjak, sugar887, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, wolfmanjz, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x |
Level 120 Slayer
This user has achieved level 120 slayer. |
billy, Hales, SierraNic |
Level 99 Farming
This user has achieved level 99 farming. |
0zzy, Adum, Aerclo 7, Aimee, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, Angelo, Armor Robert, avalonnia, Badclap, Bies, bobhaz, Chaoy2, chef9810, Chiu, Chrissien, Clemente, crazy02chris, cymike1, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Dtzzy, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, evel, Fantasia, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, French Maid, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, gial5, Grantmeister, Hales, hooverbucs17, hot dog 18, Hrockets, isen, jamie, Jas0n, kathrynsage, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Leafy, Left4Dg, lise, Lord Simple, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Madge, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Matt 2003, mellymels, Michelle 187, mischieph, Mr Ddude, nightgale93, o Sun o, petal 7, Plutos, Pope712, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, Skilled pl0x, SnugglesLKF, sugar887, Suv, SweetBrei, tiniponi, Tufty, Turtlebeard, TuTi, villo, vpp, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, zaynaka, Zoom |
Level 120 Farming
This user has achieved level 120 farming. |
billy, Duckie, SierraNic |
Level 99 Hunter
This user has achieved level 99 hunter. |
0zzy, Adum, Aerclo 7, Americanboyg, Angelo, Armor Robert, Badclap, Bies, billy, bobhaz, Bonus, Chaoy2, chef9810, Chiu, cjmatt88, Clemente, crazy02chris, Dayz Dream, debyos, Demon4445, Derdad, desafc, Duckie, Earl Uhtred, Everlotte, Eye Fish88, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalacticDrew, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, h o o t e y, Hales, Itsfun4me, jamie, Jazzy, jdbballman1, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Left4Dg, lise, Louissk8, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Matt258, mellymels, o Sun o, Pengmeister, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Rinaldi15, Rune panda1, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, SierraNic, Skilled pl0x, Srebrnjak, sugar887, tiniponi, Turtlebeard, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu, zaynaka |
Level 99 Construction
This user has achieved level 99 construction. |
0zzy, Adum, Aerclo 7, Aimee, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, Angelo, Anonymous8, arg killer, Armor Robert, Badclap, bestbuds, Bies, billy, bobhaz, Bonus, Chaoy2, chef9810, Chiu, Clemente, crazy02chris, Curled, cymike1, Dayz Dream, debyos, dentom1, desafc, Drinine, Duckster, Earl Uhtred, evel, Fantasia, FireRealm, Forsberg888, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, Gvera230, Hales, hooverbucs17, hot dog 18, James, jamie, Jazzy, johnpaul, K A M 4ever, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, lise, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, Matt258, mellymels, Mr Ddude, My Mansion, o Sun o, Pewter RS, Plutos, Pope712, pressie4xmas, Pure Kq Pax, Puu4, Rinaldi15, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, sugar887, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, Viper, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x, Zanshin Ryu |
Level 120 Construction
This user has achieved level 120 construction. |
Duckie, SierraNic |
Level 99 Summoning
This user has achieved level 99 summoning. |
0zzy, Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, Anatcrafter, andricss, Armor Robert, Bies, bobhaz, chef9810, Chiu, crazy02chris, Dayz Dream, debyos, desafc, Duckster, Dusty 125, Earl Uhtred, ElysiumSky, Fantasia, Filip Bigens, FireRealm, Fred Garvin1, GalactiDrew, Ghanburi, godcanthelp, Hamid132006, hot dog 18, Hrockets, jamie, Jimoca, johnpaul, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Langyrepkent, Laur, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, lise, Lol Natures, Lucy Jane, lunarcanidae, M Sword500, Majinvegito3, Manda, Mandy, Mathwiz, Matt 2003, mellymels, Michelle 187, nightgale93, o Sun o, petal 7, Plutos, Pope712, Pure Goddess, Puu4, Rinaldi15, robban55.b, Salty, Seif Cham, Sevel, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, Srebrnjak, tiniponi, tip_top_cat, TuTi, wolfmanjz, x Hogweed x, x_Legendary_x |
Level 120 Summoning
This user has achieved level 120 summoning. |
billy, Duckie, Hales, SierraNic |
Level 99 Dungeoneering
This user has achieved level 99 dungeoneering. |
Adum, Alien Dream, Americanboyg, chef9810, Chiu, Curled, Dayz Dream, Earl Uhtred, evel, Exclsior, Filip Bigens, Forsberg888, French Maid, Hales, Hrockets, Jize, johnpaul, Langyrepkent, laserboy232, Leafy, Left4Dg, Lemiwinks, Libby, Mandy, Mathwiz, Michelle 187, Pope712, robban55.b, Runetinal, Shannon 2112, shrrgnien14, sirjoshuaj1, Skilled pl0x, tiniponi, What Scott, x Hogweed x |
Level 120 Dungeoneering
This user has achieved level 120 dungeoneering. |
0zzy, Bies, billy, bobhaz, crazy02chris, Duckie, Fantasia, FireRealm, Ghanburi, jamie, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Laur, Love Dan, lunarcanidae, Manda, Matt 2003, mellymels, o Sun o, Plutos, Salty, Seif Cham, Sevel, SierraNic, sugar887, x_Legendary_x |
Level 99 Divination
This user has achieved level 99 divination. |
Bies, bobhaz, crazy02chris, Earl Uhtred, evel, Fantasia, FireRealm, Hales, ki11er pal16, krogoth22, Left4Dg, lunarcanidae, Manda, mellymels, Plutos, Salty, Sevel, Shannon 2112, Skilled pl0x, SweetBrei |
Level 120 Divination
This user has achieved level 120 divination. |
billy, Duckie, SierraNic, x_Legendary_x |